Promote and Strengthen Business Development Skills in Rural Communities

Assist VET educators of low-skilled adult people in 4 partner countries
increase vocational competences of teachers/trainers of entrepreneurship through an innovative pedagogy and approach to teaching with the use of interactive and innovative mobile learning application applied for agriculture, forestry & rural context.

Mobile Classroom
Increase vocational competences of teachers/trainers of entrepreneurship through an innovative pedagogy and approach to teaching with the use of interactive and innovative mobile learning application applied for agriculture, forestry & rural context.

VET curricula
Innovative VET curricula that will address the most important topics on entrepreneurship education and will focus on pedagogical approach on how Teachers can develop their skills of personalizing learning and making it more engaging and relevant to young adults from rural areas.

Main Objective
THE MAIN OBJECTIVE of the project is:
– to empower VET trainers/teachers that assist low-skilled adults from rural areas in partner countries to become successful entrepreneurs with a focus on small business development.
– to develop the capacity of adult trainers and teachers and VET supporting organisations in entrepreneurship;
– to strengthen the competences of educational workers to support their target-groups (low-skilled adults from rural areas);
– to provide participants with skills that are necessary to succeed in teaching activities;
– to develop basic and transversal skills: enhance digital integration in learning and teaching through promoting access to and learning through Open Educational Resources (OERs);
– to support ICT-based teaching and ICT-based assessment practices.
important topics on entrepreneurship education
- Business Modeling
- Design thinking
- Business planning
- Use of ICT tools