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The purpose of the B-land project’s Newsletters is to approach Teachers, Trainers, Volunteers and Stakeholders in order to involve the to the project’s training and dissemination activities.

There will be one Newsletter prepared every 6 months and a total of 4 Newsletters in order to accomplish the various task, outcomes and intellectual outputs of the project, as well as to stimulate collaborative and cooperative work within the project’s activities. 

NewsLetter #1

December 2020

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NewsLetter #2

September 2021

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NewsLetter #3

March 2022

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NewsLetter #4

September 2022

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Transnational Meetings

1st Kick off meeting

27 November 2020

The first Transnational Project Meeting held was held on November 27, 2020, as planned in the project application form. Due to the situation related to the spread of COVID-19 and following the advice by the Human Resource Development Centre (the Bulgarian Erasmus+ National Agency), the event was organized and conducted online via the Zoom videoconferencing platform. All the partners in the B-Land project took part in the meeting. The discussions during the meeting pointed out the details of each of the IOs to be elaborated and a strict plan was agreed, including responsible partners and deadlines.

The Quality Evaluation Plan was presented, and the Quality Control Board was established. All the partners were actively participating in the discussions and the meeting was evaluated as a productive.

2nd meeting

16 June 2021

The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting was held on June 16, 2021. According to the Application Form, the meeting, entitled “Course materials development specifications” was planned to be held in June 2021 and hosted by the Spanish partner – Asociación Valencia Inno Hub. Due to the situation related to the COVID-19 outbreak and the internal rules of the Spanish partner, depriving them to host meetings or travel abroad, and following the consent of the Human Resource Development Centre (the Bulgarian Erasmus+ National Agency), the event was organized and conducted online via the Zoom videoconferencing platform. The physical (in person) meeting was postponed for a latter project period.

The focus of the meeting was to present and discuss the activities, related to the development of Intellectual Output 2 (IO2) – Training course structure and materials development for 7 learning modules. The deadlines for each sub-activity wеre agreed. As the IO2 is the core of the further IOs in the B-Land project, the partners had productive discussions on clarifying the Training Modules structure and methodology.

Administrative and financial issues were also subject of the meeting in order to smoothly manage the project implementation. The results from the quality evaluation for the period October 2020 – March 2021 were presented together with the summarized information on the external evaluation reports. So far, the project is implemented on-time and with excellent quality.

The Quality Evaluation Plan was presented, and the Quality Control Board was established. All the partners were actively participating in the discussions and the meeting was evaluated as a productive.

3rd meeting

3 November 2021

The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting was held on November 3, 2021 and hosted by the Spanish partner – Asociación Valencia Inno Hub.

It was the first physical meeting for the partners and was assessed as very productive one.

The main purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss the activities, related to the progress of all the materials elaborated for the IO2 – the Training Modules. Each partner has fulfilled its tasks according to the deadlines set on the previous meetings. The partners have discussed what is needed to finalize the IO2. The next IOs in the project action plan were discussed and responsibilities and deadlines were agreed. Details on the Intellectual Output 3 Multilingual app – Instant Access Mobile Classroom and Intellectual Output 4 Best Practices Guide on Entrepreneurial Training & Personal Development in Rural Areas were clarified among the partners.

Administrative and financial issues were reviewed in order to ensure proper management the project implementation. The results from the quality evaluation for the period April – October 2021 were presented together with the summarized information on the external evaluation reports. The project is run on-time and in an excellent manner.

The focus of the meeting was to present and discuss the activities, related to the development of Intellectual Output 2 (IO2) – Training course structure and materials development for 7 learning modules. The deadlines for each sub-activity wеre agreed. As the IO2 is the core of the further IOs in the B-Land project, the partners had productive discussions on clarifying the Training Modules structure and methodology.

Administrative and financial issues were also subject of the meeting in order to smoothly manage the project implementation. The results from the quality evaluation for the period October 2020 – March 2021 were presented together with the summarized information on the external evaluation reports. So far, the project is implemented on-time and with excellent quality.

The Quality Evaluation Plan was presented, and the Quality Control Board was established. All the partners were actively participating in the discussions and the meeting was evaluated as a productive.

4th meeting

4 and 5 July 2022

The fourth transnational meeting of the project was held on July 4, 2022 and July 5, 2022 in Volos, Greece. The meeting was hosted by the Greek partner – Biognosis.

The final stages of IO2 development: training modules, case studies and supplementary training materials were presented and discussed among the partners. The final versions of all 7 training modules and the respective case studies have been developed in English, translated into all partner languages (BG, GR, ES and PL), and uploaded on the project website

The main aim of the meeting was to present and discuss the current stage of development of IO3: Multilingual APP – INSTANT ACCESS MOBILE CLASSROOM (IAMCP) – an ICT tool. The mobile app has been fully developed in English and is available for Android devices in Google Play: The app has been sent for evaluation and approval by Apple in order to be included in the App Store. The final version of the mobile app will be ready at the beginning of September 2022.

The current stage of development of IO4: Best Practices Guide on Entrepreneurial Training & Personal Development in Rural Areas was also discussed and agreed by the project partners. The deadlines for completing the relevant sub-activities were also agreed at the meeting.

Information about the planned and implemented project Multiplier events, as well as the dissemination activities, carried out by the project partners, was also presented at the meeting.

Summarized information of the internal and external evaluation for the period October 2021 – March 2022 was presented and discussed at the meeting. Administrative and financial issues were also discussed at the meeting in order to ensure the timely implementation of all project activities.

The partners agreed that final Transnational Project Meeting (in-person) will be held at the University of Forestry in Sofia, Bulgaria, on September 8-9, 2022.

5th meeting

8 and 9 September 2022

The final transnational meeting of the project was held on September 8, 2022, and September 9, 2022, in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting was hosted by the project Coordinator – the University of Forestry.

The main aim of the meeting was to present and discuss the current stage of development of IO3: Multilingual APP – INSTANT ACCESS MOBILE CLASSROOM (IAMCP) – an ICT tool. The mobile app has been updated based on the internal evaluation comments, and now it is available in English, Bulgarian, Spanish, Polish, and Greek languages for Android devices in Google Play: Following a positive evaluation and approval by Apple, the developed multilingual mobile app is also available for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) in the App Store:

The current stage of development of IO4: Best Practices Guide on Entrepreneurial Training & Personal Development in Rural Areas was discussed and agreed by the project partners. The Best Practices Guide, supplemented by Teaching Notes, providing relevant information on how to use the developed multilingual mobile app (IO3), has also been developed and translated into all partner languages.

Information about the implemented project Multiplier events, as well as the dissemination activities, carried out by the project partners, was also presented at the meeting.

The partners discussed and agreed on the project Sustainability Plan, aimed at providing specific steps and activities to be implemented by the project partners to ensure the sustainability of the developed project Intellectual Outputs and maximize the impact of the project on the local, regional, national, European, and international levels.

Administrative and financial issues were also discussed at the meeting in order to ensure the timely implementation of all project activities.